New Grads. Effort can Compensate for Inexperience
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As a new grad you probably feel like you’re outnumbered by candidates who have experience. SpineSearch wants to help you see that making an effort for a new job will impress the employer you are interviewing with. Employers usually want people with some experience, but as a new grad you have your schooling, clinical rotations, and internships to fall back on. Don’t let the employer underestimate you.
Enthusiasm will be your biggest and best advantage over other applicants. You want to show the employer that you chose this profession for a reason---you love it. Showing that you care and how excited you are to work in this field will make an employer think twice before counting you out.
You want to be as prepared as possible for your interview; research the practice or hospital you are looking to apply to, what they specialize in, and if they are right for your line of work.
Sending a “Thank You” card or email (which is much more common these days) goes a long way when interviewing right out of college. The employer appreciates it and will set you apart from candidates who didn’t go the extra mile. The thank you can also act as a follow-up and remind the employer who you are and they will be much more likely to get back to you with a yes or no sooner rather than later.
Compensating for your lack of experience with effort will go much further than an experienced candidate who has become apathetic about the field. If you show up and want to be there, you will learn volumes and be ahead of the pack before you know it.