3 Things to Remember About Body Language in Your Interview
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Candidates often do not think about how their non-verbal communication during an interview could put them at a disadvantage. Subconsciously we are all aware of what body language makes us feel comfortable with a person or sends us the wrong message. This explains one reason why employers choose one candidate over another. In order to better understand why body language is so important in an interview, a candidate has to understand what signals are sending the wrong message. Here are three body language mistakes many people make during an interview:
1) Slouching in a chair
This could be a huge red flag to an employer, because it signifies that you are disinterested in what he or she is saying.
2) Fidgeting
Whether you’re twirling your hair or cracking your knuckles, fidgeting shows that you are nervous and uncomfortable and that signifies to the employer that you might not be the right fit for the position you are applying for.
3) Shifty eyes
If you are in an interview and have your eyes darting all over the room it signifies that you either have something to hide and you can’t be trusted. Obviously, no person wants to come across this way in an interview. A potential employer wants you to make genuine eye contact, not staring them down, showing that you are actively engaged in the conversation.
If you become more aware of what your body language is saying then you will be even more prepared for your next interview.